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Early Life And Education

Rory John Gates: What We Know About Bill Gates' Private Son

Early Life and Education

Bill and Melinda Gates' son, Rory John Gates, was born on May 23, 1999, in Seattle, Washington. Rory is a private individual, but we do know that he graduated from the University of Chicago in June 2022 with a degree in law.

Personal Life

Rory is a compassionate and curious individual. He is intelligent, well-read, and has a deep understanding of a wide range of issues. Rory is a strong advocate for gender equality.


Despite his father's immense wealth, Rory has reportedly been involved in philanthropic trips. He has a keen interest in social causes and is committed to making a positive impact on the world.

Public Appearances

Rory is a private individual who rarely makes public appearances. In a rare public appearance in November 2021, he joined his family at the Climate Ambition Summit in Glasgow, Scotland.


Rory John Gates is a bright and compassionate young man who is making his own mark on the world. He is a fierce advocate for gender equality and is passionate about making a difference in the world.
